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Kids Zone Fun

Sat September 9, 11:00 am

The main event at the Miles Historical Village on Saturday opens from 11am and there’s lots of kids fun ideal for primary aged kids in Kids Zone!  BUY MAIN EVENT TICKETS

Just a few of the things the kids will be excited for…

Balloon Workshop at 12.30pm and 4.30pm

Sand Sculpting Workshop at 3.30pm

Whipcracking Workshop

Coal & Fossilised Wood Dig: Hunt for treasure in the giant sandpit with lots of coal and fossilised wood to dig and find – kids can take home their ‘treasure’ too if they wish!

Petting Zoo: Get up close and cosy with the farm animals in the petting zoo (no cost)

Face Painting (no cost)

Pony Rides: (extra charge applies)



Kids Obstacle ChallengeThe Lil Bugger Challenge! (small charge applies)

Aerial Lolly Drop: Get ready, get set for the aerial lolly drop!  All the kids will be running about for their share of what falls from the sky!


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Inside the Main Event

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